Tips Women Should Consider While Moving to a PG

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Tips Women Should Consider While Moving to a PG

PGs have always been an ideal choice for women as it is more convenient and affordable. Living in a PG gets you rid of cooking and housekeeping. Depending on their furnishing and location, PG offers various facilities and amenities at a fixed monthly rate.

Here are some factors that you must consider before moving to a PG


• What is the Rental Bill of a PG? 
• What are the basic amenities that a PG provides? 
• What are the rules & regulations of a PG? 
• Whether a PG is well furnished or not.
• What are the security aspects of a PG? 

You can choose between a single independent room and a shared room according to your preferences. While living in a PG, you might experience anxiety, insecurity, & adjustment issues. You don't have to be worried about it. This blog will provide some hints and tips on dealing with these issues.

Sustain hygiene while sharing a room.


Generally, while sharing a room in PGs, a woman's primary concern is sanitation. Following the points listed below will help you maintain hygiene in your PG.
• Make separate areas for your laundry, shoes, utensils, & clothes. 
• Keep everything organized to make the stuff easy to find.
• Most importantly, do not barge into someone's personal space. 

Sharing a Washroom

The most irritating aspect of sharing a washroom is waiting for your turn. To avoid this, maintain an "Early to bed" & "Early to rise" schedule. While living in a shared PG, you should keep your toiletries separate. 

Carry Your Essentials with You. 

• Always bring your important stuff with you so that you don't have to keep it borrowing from others. 
• If you cook occasionally, it is good to use your utensils.
• You can also keep some food items for night cravings. 
• While moving to a PG, don't forget to carry locks, extension board, iron, blankets, bed sheets, toiletries, flip-Flops, shower gel/soaps, shampoo, washing powder, etc. 

Follow the Rules

Every PG has its own set of rules and regulations. Some are strict about timings, while others are strict about wasting food. Before moving to PG, it is always good to know their dos and don'ts. If you are looking for a suitable girl's PG in Gurugram, consider Safehouse PG. They offer the best living experience, including delicious food and high security.

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