Holi Safety Tips for Women

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Holi Safety Tips for Women

Holi is the festival of colors, joy and freedom, and we can't wait to celebrate it with our loved ones. However, amidst all the fun and excitement, it's important to ensure that we stay safe, especially the women out there. So, let's know some safety tips to help you have a happy and enjoyable Holi without any worries! Moreover, we will also guide you about the best girls PG in Gurgaon

Avoid Wearing White
First, let's talk about the safety of your clothes. Yes, we know that a white kurta looks gorgeous, but unless you want to turn it into a work of abstract art, it's best to avoid wearing it. Stick to cotton and linen fabrics that won't turn transparent or cling to your body. Trust us; you'll thank us later.

Keep your Eyes Safe
Next is eye safety. If color accidentally gets into your eyes, don't panic. Wash it with water and drop a few rose water drops later. Avoid rubbing your eyes vigorously and instead opt for a cold cucumber spa session afterward to cool them down. Also, try not to wear lenses and go for shades instead to protect your eyes from the colors.

“Bura Mano Kyoki Holi hain”
Now, the most important thing, ensure your safety from miscreants. We all know how uncomfortable and unsettling it can be when someone touches us inappropriately or invades our privacy while playing Holi. So, always remember to say NO loudly and call out anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Stick to groups and avoid drinking anything given to you randomly. Keep pepper spray or something handy in case things get too nasty.

Keep your Belongings Safe
Moving on to the safety of your belongings - keep them in a safe place where they won't get damaged by your own hands. Keep your phone, camera, and watch inside a Ziploc bag to ensure that colors and water don't pour over them, and always wipe your hands before handling them. Better still, use a selfie stick or ask someone else with clean hands to click pictures.

Stay Hydrated
Last but not least, stay hydrated! The heat, dancing, and running around can dehydrate you, so carry a water bottle to stay healthy and enjoy the moment. So, there you have some practical safety tips to make your Holi celebrations safe and enjoyable. Remember, it's better to be safe than sorry, so stay alert and have a happy Holi!

Best Girls PG in Gurgaon
So you are looking for a girls' PG in Gurgaon that provides the best living experience? If so, The Safehouse PG in Gurgaon can be your perfect choice. At The Safehouse PG, we offer furnished AC rooms, 24/7 high security, delicious food, and regular cleaning & maintenance, and you will get all these facilities at an affordable price. So what are you waiting for? Come to The Safehouse PG and embrace the joy of a homely environment.  

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